Dinosaur Elecronics Park Model Fan Control Test Board - 24VAC FAN TEST ADAPTER
Dinosaur Elecronics Park Model Fan Control Test Board
Fuse Protected
3 try operation
Shuts the fan motor OFF a minute and a half after the 3rd ignition try fails to sense a flame.
Waits one hour and tries the cycle again before locking out, and having to reset the thermostat.
A Bi-Color LED comes on "Green" after the fan comes on and Power appears on the "AIR" terminal. The LED turns "RED" when power appears on the valve terminal.
Fuse Protected
3 try operation
Shuts the fan motor OFF a minute and a half after the 3rd ignition try fails to sense a flame.
Waits one hour and tries the cycle again before locking out, and having to reset the thermostat.
A Bi-Color LED comes on "Green" after the fan comes on and Power appears on the "AIR" terminal. The LED turns "RED" when power appears on the valve terminal.