Excalibur / Omega - Universal Transponder Bypass - OLBLADETB
Excalibur / Omega
This Universal Data Immobilizer Bypass Integration module is web programmable for over 1800 vehicle models from 1997 to date including exclusive KLON firmware applications. Cartridge inserts directly into remote starter with fewer wires to connect for simplified installation.
Designed for Optimal Immobilizer Bypass Integration
Simply Insert Cartridge into Your Blade Compatible Dedicated Dock
Connect Your Remote Starter to Your PC Using the Omegalink Loader(TM) Cable
Flash Your Module with Your Choice of 'TB' Firmware Applications
Designed for Optimal Immobilizer Bypass Integration
Simply Insert Cartridge into Your Blade Compatible Dedicated Dock
Connect Your Remote Starter to Your PC Using the Omegalink Loader(TM) Cable
Flash Your Module with Your Choice of 'TB' Firmware Applications