Kronen Kht001 Premium Holding Tank Treatment - 32 Oz. - KHT001
The Kronen Premium Holding Tank Treatment neutralizes, attacks and destroys the source of holding tank odors before they even start. It utilizes a potent combination of nature's naturally occurring micro-organisms that are engineered to break down and liquefy organic materials leaving you with a completely odorless liquid. The bacteria is environmentally friendly and believe it or not, actually helps campground septic and waste systems. Softens and reduces grease build up eliminating the need for you to physically clean out your tanks and keeps your floats and sensors cleaner for longer. Kronen's specially formulated treatment contains no harmful ingredients such as formaldehyde or nitrates which can harm septic systems and cause major algae blooms to occur. Fresh Clean fragrance.
Neutralizes odors instead of covering them up
Liquefies waste and tissue for faster easier transfers
Requires less physical cleaning
Softens and reduces grease build-up
Helps floats and sensors stay cleaner
Neutralizes odors instead of covering them up
Liquefies waste and tissue for faster easier transfers
Requires less physical cleaning
Softens and reduces grease build-up
Helps floats and sensors stay cleaner