Kuma Km-31cz-wh 3-in-1 Coozie - White - KM-31CZ-WH
Kuma Outdoor Gear
Kuma Outdoor Gear's 3-In-1 Coozies feature a double-wall stainless steel, vacuum-sealed design with a powder coated finish. Side grip cutaways make it easy and comfortable to hold, while the silicone rim provides a soft touch when you're drinking. Use the coozie to keep your cans and bottles cold, or as a tumbler. Holds 355ml regular cans, 355ml skinny cans, 341ml bottles. 100% BPA Free.
Double-wall stainless steel, vacuum-sealed
Side grip cutaways
Silicone rim
Use as a coozie to keep your cans/bottle cold or as a tumbler
Holds 355ml regular cans, 355ml skinny cans, 341ml bottles
Double-wall stainless steel, vacuum-sealed
Side grip cutaways
Silicone rim
Use as a coozie to keep your cans/bottle cold or as a tumbler
Holds 355ml regular cans, 355ml skinny cans, 341ml bottles