Kuma Km-bdg-pp Bear Den Privacy Panel - 496-KM-BDG-PP
Kuma Outdoor Gear
Outside wall covers to provide privacy as well as protect you from the wind and rain. Comes with 4 toggle points, 1 on each corner to attach to the outside of the walls. Materials: 230T Poly Diamond Ripstop (1000mm / UV50+).
Outside wall cover for Bear Den Gazebo
Provides privacy
Protects against wind and rain
Includes four toggle points fro quick attachment
Materials: 230T Poly Diamond Ripstop (1000mm/UV50+)
Outside wall cover for Bear Den Gazebo
Provides privacy
Protects against wind and rain
Includes four toggle points fro quick attachment
Materials: 230T Poly Diamond Ripstop (1000mm/UV50+)